Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Stan Ridgeway's culinary preference

The wry, amusing persona of Stan Ridgeway has lasted over the years since his rise to prominence with the quirky genius of Wall of Voodoo. I saw him Monday night at the Belly Up Tavern in Solana Beach. He was in great shape Monday. He performed two of his most-liked songs, "Roadblock" and "Mexican Radio." I got some of his act (blurry, unfortunately) on my cameraphone.

Stan asked for a martini, which was brought to him. Ate an olive, then said he tasted polonium. Joked with a guy who was celebrating his 25th birthday.

Before he played "Camouflage," Stan explained the song's background, and said, "Goverments start wars, not solidiers."

Stan Ridgeway is well worth seeing, even if you don't like barbecued iguana. And check out Wall of Voodoo's MP3s - including "Mexican Radio," at its Myspace page.

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